Expand your mind
in between sessions
Trauma & Recovery
The Body Keeps the Score
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is for clients hoping to learn more about how traumatic experiences affect the mind and body, especially your nervous system and your relationships. It’s full of research and is perfect for people looking to get serious about understanding trauma and mental health.
Healing the Fragmented Selves
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is mostly for therapists but is perfect for clients who are eager to understand why and how “fragmentation” happens. This book is part of a new wave of trauma treatment and recovery that is redefining the field of traumatology.
No Bad Parts
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Whether it’s anxiety , perfectionism, addiction, depression or trauma, everyone will benefit from reading this book. You’ll learn more about your “parts of self”, how these parts make up your internal system, and how to develop a stronger relationship with your mind, body and higher self.
Trauma and Recovery
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is for people who have experienced trauma and want a better understanding of how these experiences continue to impact their mind, body, relationships, sense-of-self and ability to feel safe and trusting.
What Happened to You? Oprah Winfrey.
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book by Oprah is more accessible and conversational than most books on trauma and recovery. It’s perfect for clients who are eager to look back on their story with curiosity and a desire to build more resilience. I’m sure you’ll have some “Aha!” moments to journal about!
Waking the Tiger
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is a classic in trauma recovery work. It focuses on the “three different brains” and the mind-body connection to build on your intuition and natural ability to heal. It’s informative, hopeful and a perfect deep dive into “somatic experiencing.”
Heal Your Relationships
Hold Me Tight
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Sue Johnson is a leading voice in the world of couples therapy. This book is all about emotional connection, building secure attachment styles, and resolving conflict through a lens of attachment wounds, ending negative cycles, and the “EFT Tango”
After the Affair
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is both practical and inspirational for couples wanting to heal from an affair. The author speaks to both partners in her writing and focuses on rebuilding trust, setting ground rules for the future of the relationship, and ways to reclaim intimacy.
The New Rules of Marriage
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Terrence Real is blunt, practical and informative. He highlights how romantic relationships have changed dramatically over the past 20 years due to the social change of gender roles. He provides a roadmap for setting realistic expectations, improving communication, and finding balance in your relationship.
Wired for Love
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is all about attachment styles to better understand your cycles of poor communication and conflict. You and your partner will learn more about your behaviours and gain practical skills for better communication, all while tending to each other’s emotions.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Gottman, founder of the Gottman Institute, shares a truly practical guide to improve your communication and end negative cycles that get in the way of making your marriage work. This book is also perfect for high-conflict couples needing ground rules.
Mating in Captivity
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is for couples wanting more out of their relationship, with a focus on intimacy, vulnerability, play and trust. This book helps couples identify the social pressures impacting modern relationships and gives practical advice for redefining love with your partner. You can also listen to Esther’s Podcast!
Mindful Relationships
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is all about extending the mindful relationship with yourself into a mindful relationship with your partner and family. You’ll build skills for responding to your triggers, your partner’s emotions, and learn how to help each other stay rooted in the present moment (in the good times and the bad).
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This popular book explains various styles of attachment, such as anxious or avoidant. The author helps you identify your own (and your partner’s) attachment style and provides practical skills for stronger communication.
Meet Your Higher Self
A New Earth
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book deserves its success as one of the most popular self development books of all time. You’ll learn about ego, the voice in your head, how to build a relationship with your thoughts and emotions, and how to harness the power of mindfulness.
Power of Now
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Eckhart does it again! This book contains all of the insights from A New Earth but is written in a question and answer format. It’s easy to follow and you’ll learn more about the “pain body” and how to build a relationship ego and your higher self.
The Untethered Soul
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is perfect if you’re hoping to learn more about the way your mind works, your “inner roommate”, and how to practice mindful awareness and acceptance to overcome mental and emotional struggles. It’s a classic.
Welcoming the Unwelcome
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is all about love and paying attention to mental and emotional resistance, both in your own mind and towards others. You’ll lean to practice mindful awareness, curiosity and radical acceptance, while also feeling empowered to start living your best life.
The Seat of the Soul
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is more dense than others in the category, and is perfect if you identify as a spiritual person wanting to harness the power of your intuition and your connection with divine intelligence. It is (as the title suggests) all about your soul.
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
The author of Love Warrior returns with a deeply empowering, gritty and inspirational book about choosing to prioritize yourself after years of pleasing others. You’ll learn about boundaries, self-love, self-compassion and rediscovering your power.
Self Development
Digital Minimalism
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Constant communication does not equal connection. The book will help you develop a healthier relationship with technology in an effort to help you feel less distracted, more grounded and more focused on becoming your best self.
Atomic Habits
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
“Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become.” This book is the ultimate guide for why and how to build stronger habits for a healthier and more meaningful life.
The Power of Habit
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book (similar to Atomic Habits) is all about establishing healthy habits. You’ll learn how to map your automatic “habit loops” and harness the power of your brain’s desire for consistency.
Ten Arguments for Deleting Social Media Accounts
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is a deep dive into the individual and cultural addiction to social media. This book is perfect for helping you reevaluate your relationship with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and 24-hour news.
How To Do The Work
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
The Holistic Psychologist gives you a roadmap for building a stronger relationship with your mind, body and soul. This book is about “waking up” and finding balance between letting go of control and taking your mental health seriously.
101 Essays...
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is a collection essays that are interesting, well-written and often inspiring! If you’re interested, check out the book’s table of contents for essay titles / topics.
The Artist's Way
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is all about connecting with your higher self and overcoming your imposter syndrome as a creative! It encourages you to commit to “moring pages”, a weekly artist date and other practical ideas.
The Listening Path
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This books is from the author of The Artist’s Way, and you’ll learn more about the connection between mindful awareness and creative inspiration. You’re also encouraged to commit to “morning pages!”
Big Magic
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
From the author of Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert helps creators overcome their imposter syndrome and fears that often get in the way of creativity. The book is practical, spiritual and inspiring. It’s perfect if you’re hoping to reignite your creative fire!
Deep Work
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
There is something special about choosing not to multitask in today’s hyper-connected world. This book is all about developing a more focused and intentional mindset for better creativity and productivity.
Mood & Anxiety Workbooks
The Mindful Self Compassion Workbook
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This workbook is perfect if you have a strong inner critic and are working towards practicing more self-awareness and self-compassion.
Mind Over Mood
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works well for some people, and this is a great book for those wanting to learn more about the connection between thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
A practical workbook to compliment your psychotherapy sessions focused on overcoming anxious thoughts, panic and phobias.
The DBT Workbook
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
A practical DBT workbook with education and tools to help you regulate your mood, emotions and thoughts. This book also helps with building and maintaining healthy relationships.
Sexuality, Gender & Body
Velvet Rage
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is written specifically for gay men. The author writes about the impacts of shame, internalized homophobia and various stages of development that are unique to gay men.
The Will To Change
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book helps us understand the social and cultural influences on what it means to “be a man.” This is a must-read for those interested in understanding patriarchy and ways to let go of toxic masculinity in pursuit of stronger mental health.
The Body is not an Apology
Perfect Books. Singing Pebble. Amazon.
This book is for those who are struggling to accept their body and are feeling ready to make a change. The author combines personal stories and socio-cultutral insights to help us reclaim our power and worth.
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